Devon Area
Resourcing and encouraging your church's music for worshipNow that the RSCM has decided to abolish its Area Network, ‘RSCM Devon Area’ no longer exists, and the Area Team has been disbanded.
The RSCM Devon Area website will shortly be closed, and any RSCM information should be obtained from www.rscm.org.uk
Church music is flourishing in Devon and events will continue, though organised by individual churches and other organisations instead of by ‘RSCM Devon Area’.
A new website, www.devonchurchmusic.org.uk is being prepared which will give information about Church Music, Events, Workshops and Special Services taking place in the area.
Devon Area Newsletter October 2023
RSCM Devon Area October 2023 Newsletter
Dear Devon Members and Friends,
Saturday 2nd December Advent Carol Service
Buckfast Abbey Rehearsal 1.30, Service 4.30pm
Our customary start to Advent in the wonderful surroundings of Buckfast Abbey, with traditional carols, hymns and readings. If you haven’t taken part in this service before, then do come along. It’s a wonderful occasion, with lovely music, expert leadership from Matthew and inspiring organ playing from David – not to mention Fr Abbot leading the service. And The Grange is always a good place to get some lunch before the rehearsal and a cup of tea before the service.
Directed by Matthew Searles and accompanied by David Davies
The cost for attending is £7 for adults (those still at school free). We can accept cheques in advance or cards on the day, but at the moment we aren’t able to accept cash,
Please book by 24th November so that we can produce sufficient music copies.
There is no need for members of the congregation to book in advance, but early arrival is recommended as the Abbey Church is usually very full for this service
This event is on a “learn it on the day” basis.
RSCM Future
You may have seen from Hugh Morris’ emails and maybe other things being reported, that RSCM’s area network is being disbanded. Please rest assured that we are working to bring you all the usual events in future, as well as some new and exciting ones. They just won’t be labelled RSCM.
With best wishes,
Nicholas Brown. (Devon Area Team Leader) nickpiano64@gmail.com 07765 008859
Advent Carol Service at Buckfast Abbey
On a cold, dull afternoon of torrential rain the brightness and warmth of Buckfast Abbey was matched by the friendly welcome we received for our Advent Carol Service.
A choir of about seventy singers filled the front of the Nave and the capacity congregation filled the rest of the available space.
Matthew Searles, the Master of Music at the Abbey, did an excellent job in directing the choir and David Davies was his usual amazing self at the organ. The service was led by the Abbot of Buckfast and provided a contemplative yet uplifting start to a new Christian year.
Thank you to all those involved
Use our Calendar
If you use an electronic calendar on your computer, phone or tablet you can subscribe to RSCM Devon Calendar in your own calendar. Not only will you have the events listed, but you will also receive updates and new events as they are added to the website calendar. The link for the RSCM Devon is https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/rscmdevon%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
Click here for details of how to set this up on popular devices.
Wedding Planning
Now that the restrictions on of wedding ceremoies in church are beginning to be relaxed, and couples are once again planning their wedding, the following RSCM guide on planning a wedding may be useful. As well as some suggestions for suitable music, it covers advice on copyright and recording of services.
Please note that this document was prepared before COVID restrictions, and currently no congregational singing is permitted, but a small church choir may be used to sing the hymns.